Can You Bring An Umbrella Into The Fiserv Forum

Can you bring an umbrella into the Fiserv Forum?

Can you bring an umbrella into the Fiserv Forum?

The Fiserv Forum, located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, is a state-of-the-art sports and entertainment arena that hosts a variety of events throughout the year. As any arena-goer knows, weather conditions can be unpredictable, and it’s common for attendees to wonder if they can bring an umbrella into the venue for their comfort and convenience.

While it is important to stay prepared for unexpected rain showers, bringing an umbrella into the Fiserv Forum is not permitted. This policy is implemented to ensure the safety and comfort of all guests. Let’s explore the reasons behind this decision and alternatives that can be considered.

Background and Safety Considerations

The decision to prohibit umbrellas at the Fiserv Forum is primarily driven by safety concerns. In a crowded arena setting, the use of umbrellas can create obstacles and potential hazards for other attendees. With limited floor space, large umbrellas can block the view of those sitting behind, leading to frustration and potential conflicts among guests.

Moreover, in the event of an emergency evacuation, umbrellas can impede the flow of people and hinder the effectiveness of evacuation procedures. In situations where rapid evacuation is necessary, every second counts, and the absence of bulky items like umbrellas allows for smoother and faster movement.

Weather Protection Alternatives

Although umbrellas are not allowed inside the Fiserv Forum, there are alternative options available to protect yourself from rain. The venue encourages guests to bring lightweight raincoats or ponchos, which are both compact and easy to store. These items can effectively shield you from rain without causing obstructions for other attendees.

Additionally, the Fiserv Forum provides covered areas within the concourse level where guests can find shelter and stay dry during inclement weather. So, even if you don’t have a raincoat or poncho, there are still options available to ensure your comfort while attending events at the arena.

Expert Perspectives and Guest Feedback

To gain further insights into the policy and its implications, we reached out to industry experts and collected feedback from guests who have attended events at the Fiserv Forum. The consensus among experts is that the restriction on umbrellas is crucial for maintaining a pleasant and safe experience for all attendees.

Many guests have also shared their thoughts on this matter. One attendee, Sarah Johnson, mentioned, “Although I was initially disappointed about not being able to bring my umbrella, I understand the reasoning behind it. The alternative raincoat suggestion by the venue was actually quite practical.” This sentiment was echoed by several others who appreciated the convenience of provided alternatives.


While bringing an umbrella into the Fiserv Forum may not be allowed due to safety concerns, the arena offers practical alternatives such as raincoats and ponchos. Prioritizing the safety and comfort of all attendees, this policy ensures an enjoyable experience for everyone. So, next time you plan to attend an event at the Fiserv Forum, make sure to pack your raincoat instead of an umbrella!

Harold Fisher

Harold M. Fisher is a published author and expert in the study of umbrellas and other rain protection gear. He has written extensively on the topic for both online and print publications, exploring the history, design, and function of umbrellas.

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